Day 5

Today was our third day building, and we have settled into a nice rhythm. Days begin with early wake ups and a bus ride to the site in Cuyultitan. In terms of building the house, we basically dig trenches all day and relocate dirt. Today we made concrete and poured it in the base so that the house will be sturdy in case of an earthquake. Sometimes it feels endless, but we know that we’re doing the best we can. We are determined and have really grown together as a group. During the day the home owners give us snacks, we got delicious ice cream and home made pupusas today. They were very tasty. Hopefully we will start putting some bricks up soon!

Cheers, Lauren and Poonam


Christian and his new friend Sophia. (one of our translators)

Christian and his new friend Sophia. (one of our translators)

Workin the trenches day and night

Workin the trenches day and night

Relocating water the old fashion way #urnsferdayz

Relocating water the old fashion way #urnsferdayz

Making de pupusas with the locals

Making de pupusas with the locals

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