Day 6

Today was supposed to be easy, but it was very hard! The sun was out and it was a scorcher, but fear not, we pushed through! It was a special day because we got to visit Jose-Luis’ kinder garden class. It was very precious to see all the little boys and girls; they had a lot of energy. In terms of work today, we moved 8 tonnes of concrete, and about 300 bricks. Although the work was hard, we had a lot of fun during breaks and immersed ourselves in the culture. One special treat that we got today was called horchata. It is a Salvadorian specialty drink. At the end of the day, we finally lowered the rebar into the trenches, this felt satisfying because it means we are almost ready to start putting bricks up.

Cheers, Lauren, Julia and Rachel

Reluca y mi bebemos la horchata

Reluca y mi bebemos la horchata

Working the rebar #swerve

Working the rebar #swerve

Playing with the little girls

Playing with the little girls

Group shot at the begining of the day

Group shot at the beginning of the day

Justin and his new best friend
Justin and his new best friend

Hanging out in the kindergarten classroom

Hanging out in the kindergarten classroom

Our little amigos

Our little amigos

2 thoughts on “Day 6

  1. You guys rock! Working so hard (rebar, wow!) and getting immersed in the life there…this is so fun, and being able to visit your blog daily to see all of you and your new friends and family is priceless. Thank you for sharing!

  2. I agree Claudine – what a great experience for these guys!! It’s nice to be able to follow the activities on the blog and see what a great time everyone is having! Life changing…

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